Finding the Wisdom of the Crone

In this society that seems to value material possessions, youth and physical beauty, a woman over forty must work to find her voice, her heart, her spirit. It's time to change that. All it takes is one woman to change how she sees herself. All it takes is one woman to pass that love of self and her life onto another one. That is all it takes. I'll go first.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's Really All "Natural"

I'm constantly amazed at how, the older I get, the more attuned to nature I become. This afternoon I found myself standing outside our company, after going for my lunch, staring up at a tree - whistling back to some birds who had greeted me on my way down the sidewalk.

I was a poor mimic of their sweet "whoo-wheet" - not even being much of a whistler, let alone imitator of bird calls. I was just about to walk out of the noon sunshine to go back into the artificial coolness of airconditioning when I saw a flicker - a quick movement and then a flash of - yellow! A golden finch had been serenading me from the top of the tree.

I hadn't seen a finch since last year - in Mark's wildflower garden. Mark's family sold that land, so the wildflower garden is no longer. Mark and I broke up - so "we" are no longer.

But the golden finch still serenades me from the treetops.


Blogger Mitzi said...


What a beautiful idea and so richly expressed.

I long for the outside and sometimes I think I should take my pillow out to the front yard on a warm summer night and sleep under the stars.

And then I think: "Hmmm? Can the neighbors have me committed?" No. Well, maybe - just to be careful - I'll sleep on the patio.

But seriously, society - what we think it is and what it actually is - puts less and less constraints on us as we age. At 30 I could never get away with what I get away with now.

I wonder if it's supposed to rain tonight?


5:14 PM  

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