It's Really All "Natural"
I'm constantly amazed at how, the older I get, the more attuned to nature I become. This afternoon I found myself standing outside our company, after going for my lunch, staring up at a tree - whistling back to some birds who had greeted me on my way down the sidewalk.
I was a poor mimic of their sweet "whoo-wheet" - not even being much of a whistler, let alone imitator of bird calls. I was just about to walk out of the noon sunshine to go back into the artificial coolness of airconditioning when I saw a flicker - a quick movement and then a flash of - yellow! A golden finch had been serenading me from the top of the tree.
I hadn't seen a finch since last year - in Mark's wildflower garden. Mark's family sold that land, so the wildflower garden is no longer. Mark and I broke up - so "we" are no longer.
But the golden finch still serenades me from the treetops.
What a beautiful idea and so richly expressed.
I long for the outside and sometimes I think I should take my pillow out to the front yard on a warm summer night and sleep under the stars.
And then I think: "Hmmm? Can the neighbors have me committed?" No. Well, maybe - just to be careful - I'll sleep on the patio.
But seriously, society - what we think it is and what it actually is - puts less and less constraints on us as we age. At 30 I could never get away with what I get away with now.
I wonder if it's supposed to rain tonight?
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