Finding the Wisdom of the Crone

In this society that seems to value material possessions, youth and physical beauty, a woman over forty must work to find her voice, her heart, her spirit. It's time to change that. All it takes is one woman to change how she sees herself. All it takes is one woman to pass that love of self and her life onto another one. That is all it takes. I'll go first.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

"Wisdom comes with age."

How often have you heard that old chestnut? But cliches are cliches because they are usually true. And, for this old crone, this one is true.

I sense a disturbance in the Force - or at least a change in what's happening at our company. I've been there for 17 years - exactly - this is my anniversary month. I am close to the president, close enough to know that at times he considers me more a friend than an employee. I know that it's time for refinancing with "The Bankers" - it's said that way in the halls of the company, as if they were The Supremes or The Stones or The Beatles or any other icon- in hushed tones of reverence. This has happened before but not to this extent - the VP of Operations going around with The Bankers to all of our sites for the next three or four weeks. Hmmmmm?

"Something's happening here - what it is ain't exactly clear."

The Prez has talked about retiring - at 70 and financially secure, he could. Hmmmmmm?

Am I alarmed? After all I do have 9 more years before I'm eligible for Social Security. I need to grow my nest egg a bit more. I just bought a new car.

But worried I am not. (Can you tell I just saw Star Wars?)

I am a nurse and we're a rare commodity these days.
I'm bright and personable.
I have some connections.
And above all of that: Been there, done that - Survived it!

That's what Cronehood brings to you. Experience based knowledge. If you've gotten this far in life, you've gone through ups and downs and survived and even thrived. You can do it again.

And so can I.


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