Finding the Wisdom of the Crone

In this society that seems to value material possessions, youth and physical beauty, a woman over forty must work to find her voice, her heart, her spirit. It's time to change that. All it takes is one woman to change how she sees herself. All it takes is one woman to pass that love of self and her life onto another one. That is all it takes. I'll go first.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Developing Insights and Powers

Maybe I'm not developing them - maybe I'm just tapping into what has always been there, unrecognized, locked away.

I was talking to a friend who is also traveling the Crone Path. We were discussing psychic abilities and how children can do and see things that adults can't, when I had a silent and sudden "Aha!" moment.

"What happens to children? What happens to us? Why do we lose those abilities?" she asked in the conversation.

"It's taught out of us as we grow. We're taught that 'imaginary friends' are not 'real' and we should not talk about them or to them. We're taught that our 'nightmares' or our 'dreams' or the people we see in our rooms at night are not 'real' and to not talk about it."

And that's when the "Aha!" moment hit me like a wave washing over me.

Unemotionally I said to my friend, "I had it beaten out of me." I don't think she heard or, if she heard, didn't understand. "I had it beaten out of me," I repeated.

"What do you mean, 'beaten?'" she asked.

I made slapping motions with one hand on the other. "Hit. Beaten. Whipped."

She just looked at me, puzzled.

"If I had nightmares or thought I saw things in my room at night, my father would spank me or beat me with his belt until I would go back to sleep."

She was incredulous. "He hit you? How often?"

"Maybe several times a week. I wasn't even eight years old during this time - we still lived above the barbershop."

We went on to discuss how I dealt with those issues as I grew; how I married a man who treated me poorly . . . (all future stories of this Crone).

And so now I am creating my own reality, working on my own abilities:

Talking to trees Listening to trees.
Seeing things that are "not" there.
Without being afraid of being hit.


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